Sydney University Volleyball

"for any member of the community"

2021 SVL trial dates

February 7th, 2018

2021 trials dates have been announced commencing mid February. Please check the link below and follow us on facebook.

Sydney Volleyball League

2021 Monday night social training – start date tba soon

January 16th, 2017

To register and for more info about social training and please follow the link here

Volleyball skills model provided by Volleyball Australia

February 26th, 2014


Information for new players, trialists, community members, guests and students

February 8th, 2014

Sydney League rep team training and trials will commence in mid February. Any new experienced players who have missed trials but still wish to join an SVL rep team can enquire at [email protected] 

Rep squad selections are not restricted to students so anybody can try out.

Our social trainings and social competitions are great options for people wanting to play volleyball casually without having to commit to a full rep season.

Players who are injured while trialing, training or competing will not be covered with insurance if they are not a member of NSW volleyball or Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness.